Murrelektronik Automation
Open, communicative office concept
With its Customer and Training Centre, Murrelektronik, a family-owned company with 2,000 employees worldwide, is positioning itself at its headquarters in Oppenweiler, Germany, as an attractive employer that can also attract high potentials and retain experienced specialists.Together with the client and users, feco has developed an open, communicative office concept that divides and acoustically zones the team work areas using glass conference rooms and sound screens. The technical stations for rinters and copiers are also acoustically housed and shielded using fecoplan glazing. In this way the generous spatial effect is maintained. Height-adjustable desks and stand-up meeting tables underline the agile work culture. With the expansion of the neighbouring office building, the successful cooperation in the creation of sustainable office environments will continue in 2018.
Murrelektronik GmbHFalkenstraße
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